5 June 2019 - Board of Directors Meeting Notes
Present: Rachel Cerfontyne (RC), Anna O’Rourke (AO’R), Guido Liguori (LG), Bharan Kumar (BK), Mark Izatt (MI), Paul Atkin (PA), John Davies (JD), Kris Beuret (KB)
1 - Apologies
· No apologies were received.
2 - Declarations of interest
· No interests were declared.
3 - Minutes from the previous meeting
· The minutes of the 1 May Board meeting were AGREED.
· It was AGREED that Rachel would chase up the offer of a meeting with LB Hillingdon’s cabinet member before writing the letter to the Leader outlined in the May Minutes.
· It was AGREED that the October board meeting would be expanded to a full Board away day.
4 - Sustainable Communities – vision for the project presented by Temple Group
· The board NOTED a presentation from Temple Group on their vision for the HCEB Sustainable Communities Project.
· It was AGREED that Anna O’Rourke would, with advice from Kris Beuret, continue to work with Temple to put together an inception paper to seek out of board agreement on.
· It was AGREED that the HCEB would perform a due diligence process on Temple Group to ensure suitability for the work.
5 – Chair’s update
· Due to time constraints, it was AGREED that a written update would be circulate by the chair.
· It was AGREED that Kris Beuret would be nominated to sit on Val Shawcroft’s Heathrow Transport Forum with Guido Liguori as a deputy.
· It was AGREED that a workshop would be arranged to map the diverse range of groups which exist around the Heathrow Communities.
6 – STACK Recommendation Document
· The paper was introduced by Anna O’Rourke. It was AGREED that an introductory summary would be drafted and the full document would be published on the website alongside the full report.
7 – HCEB Ltd Accounts
· The paper was introduced by Guido Liguori. Following a discussion, the paper was AGREED by the board.
· The format of the management accounts were AGREED by the board.
8 – AOB
· An update from Mark Izatt was NOTED by the board in relation to Rachel’s reappointment.