6 March 2019 - Board of Directors Meeting Notes
Present: Rachel Cerfontyne (RC), Anna O’Rourke (AO’R), Guido Liguori (LG), Bharan Kumar (BK), Mark Izatt (MI), Paul Atkin (PA), John Davies (JD).
2 – Apologies
· Apologies were received from Kris Beuret and Sam Matthews. AO’R would take a note of the meeting in SM’s absence.
3 – Declarations of interest
· No declarations of interest were received.
4 - Minutes from the previous meeting
· The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed.
1. Actions arising from the last meeting held on 9 January 2019
· GL reported that he would be circulating a note on spend related decision making shortly and would welcome views from members of the Board.
· The actions arising from the previous meeting were noted.
2. Verbal Update from the chair
· The board noted an update from the Chair covering:
o Baroness Sugg visit to the Great Barn and coffee morning. The Chair thanked JD for attending and the team for their work on arranging this visit which had gone very well.
o HCEB Question Time event. The answers to the remaining questions had been published on the HCEB website along with the minutes of the event. The next event with the CEO of Heathrow would be in April.
o Over 2,000 responses (including postal responses) to the December survey had been received and were currently being analysed. The results of the survey would be published on the HCEB website and also shared with the Board and Strategic Advisory Groups. This would go towards the work on building an evidence base upon which recommendations to Heathrow would be made.
o A round table to discuss the scoping of the Sustainable Communities project had been arranged for the end of March. It was hoped this would be the HCEB’s flagship project for 2019 with the aim to involve communities in making recommendations to Heathrow and on shaping the community compensation fund.
o Heathrow had shared the draft strategy for environmentally managed growth. There was a discussion on what role HCEB should play in regard to this.
o This was the first time the Board had used Convene and feedback was positive. It was easy to use and meant that no-one had to print papers out for the meeting.
o GL was undertaking a review of HCEB office space including meeting space.
o RC had received an email from Hillingdon Council to confirm that someone from the Cabinet would attend the SAG meetings.
3. HCEB strategic workplan 2019
· AOR introduced this item. The team had worked on a more strategic workplan for 2019 with goals for each quarter. This would be cascaded into objectives for each member of the team. The Board discussed the workplan. It was NOTED that more work was needed on the wording of the three strategic objectives. The plan appeared to be very demanding in the first two quarters of the year and it was AGREED that the team would review this to identify any goals that were not time critical and could be moved to later on in the year.
· Once the plan had been finalised, it would be shared with the Board and published on the HCEB website.
Recommendations: The Board NOTED the workplan and AGREED the STACK project.
4. Arora Group - update
· GL introduced this item which provided an update on the discussion at the last meeting.
· It was AGREED that HCEB should bide its time in deciding what position to take in regard to Arora and its status. RC would take this discussion back to DfT and Heathrow, but there would come a point when HCEB would need to agree a way forward. RC was clear that this decision would be made by the Board, but in the meantime, Arora would be treated as a stakeholder. It was AGREED that RC would find out what other airlines Arora had consulted.
· Following a discussion, the Board NOTED the paper
5. HCEB and Department of Transport Draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
· AO’R introduced this item which had been drafted by both the HCEB and DfT and established the working relationship between both organisations. It was hoped that the signed version of the MoU could be published on the HCEB website.
Recommendation: The Board AGREED the draft MoU and NOTED that final draft would be sent to the DfT for review.
6. Heathrow Consultation on Expansion (verbal)
· Following a discussion, the Board NOTED the item.
· RC introduced this item. The Board discussed whether the HCEB should make a formal response to the June consultation and/or facilitate the process to enable members of the community to respond. It was recognised that a decision may need to wait until after the consultation questions had been published. It was AGREED more time was needed to discuss this and that an item should be tabled at the next Board meeting. It was also AGREED that RC would seek the views of the SAGs.
7. HCEB Engagement Toolkit (verbal)
· AO’R introduced this item. She was working with KB on developing an engagement toolkit that could be used by HCEB and the community. The work would take about 6 weeks and would be led by consultant with expertise in this field. It was hoped the toolkit would be web-based and interactive. The purpose of this discussion was to seek the Board’s agreement for the project to start. It was NOTED that the Board would be presented with a draft version of the toolkit at a future meeting.
· Recommendation: The Board AGREED the project.
8. Transport and Environment Group update (verbal)
· An update was provided on the progress made to set up an HCEB Transport and Environment Group. KB would provide a further update at the next Board meeting.
9. Any other business
· There was a discussion on Heathrow reporting its statistics and information to the HCEB and communities. It was AGREED that quarterly reports should be provided by Heathrow. The CEO report to the London City ACC was cited as a good example. The Board AGREED to consider this and get back to GL with views.
10. Next meeting: With Joint SAG meeting on 3 April 2019. It was NOTED that the Board may also meet separately on this day.