Statement by the HCEB on the House of Commons vote in favour of the NPS statement

Today's vote in the House of Commons allows Heathrow to further develop its expansion plans and ultimately seek planning consent. Whilst there are very mixed reactions to this news, not least amongst the local communities, there are also many shared concerns including noise, air quality, night flights and traffic congestion. For those people living or working within the compulsory purchase zone, the impact of the MPs' decision will be immediate and profound.

The Heathrow Community Engagement Board (HCEB) will be bringing in an independent advisor to work directly with those affected.  It is essential that these residents can get clear, reliable and impartial information together with answers to their questions and help exploring their options at this stage.  Ongoing support will be available throughout the planning process and beyond.

Commenting on the vote and the role of the HCEB moving forward, Rachel Cerfontyne, Chair said:

 “As Chair of the HCEB, my first priority is to ensure that the needs of the local communities are understood and addressed. I will be advising and challenging Heathrow Airport, scrutinising their consultation plans and holding them to account for the commitments made.

When I was appointed I made it clear that I would seek to strengthen the input of communities throughout the consultation stages, drawing in voices previously unheard.   That commitment remains, a decision has been made for the planning process to proceed and now we must use every opportunity to shape the future development of the airport and its surrounding area.”

Mark Izatt